Tax Planning
The tax you pay can be one of your greatest single expenses over your lifetime. Along with inflation, taxes act like a silent killer to building and retaining wealth. In Canada we are taxed on:
- Corporate and personal / salaried income
- Property tax / education tax
- The things we buy (GST/PST)
- Investment management fees
- The dividend and interest earnings from our investments
- The sale of an investment, property or business - capital gains tax
For many people, this can easily exceed many hundreds of thousands of dollars over his of her lifetime.
If you could reduce your taxes by 10% or more each year what would you do with this extra money.......
- Increase your savings and potentially retire sooner?
- Increase your mortgage payment and pay off your mortgage sooner?
- Have more income in retirement and potentially enhance your lifestyle?
- Give more to charity?
- Assist your children and grandchildren?
You may be asking:
- How can I manage my corporate affairs and pay minimum tax?
- Tax credit maximization, tax sheltering, income deferral, income spreading, income splitting......
- Am I or my financial plan taking advantage of the various tax planning opportunities?